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The Concept of Divine Books

Islam, the true and eternal religion of the world has a comprehensive and complete guidance system for its followers, and Allah (SWT) has revealed four major books to His messengers, and all these messengers were the true reflectors, explanators, and preachers of these books, and they conveyed the book’s message to all the people in an effective way.

Due to Allah’s commands and orders to His followers, Muslims have the following belief about these holy books. These books are; Zabur (Psalms) which was sent to Prophet David (Dawud), Torah sent to Prophet Moses (Musa), Injeel (Gospel) sent to Prophet Jesus (Isa), and the Qur’an which was sent to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Basic Belief of a Muslim About the Holy Books
1: Allah revealed these books for the guidance of His followers.
2- The main and major books are only four.
3: The Qur’an is now the major book for the believers to follow.
4- The Qur’an is the complete code of life and contains all the comprehensive rules for human life.
5- Only the Qur’an is still in it original state, and no one can change anything in the Qur’an.
6- Allah protected the Qur’an from any distortion.
7- The Qur’an was revealed in the Arabic language.

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