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This website is currently unavailable due to non-payment. It is truly disappointing to see that even a charity is unable to uphold its commitments and fulfill its responsibilities. It's hard to understand how people can trust them with their money under these circumstances.

Tag: Namaz

Many people reject religion based on the following rhetorical question: “If God is so good and all powerful why is there so much suffering?” The implication of this question is that if we have power to prevent pain we would if we are being good. ...

Islam, the true and eternal religion of the world has a comprehensive and complete guidance system for its followers, and Allah (SWT) has revealed four major books to His messengers, and all these messengers were the true reflectors, explanators, and...

The Prophet ﷺ is reported to have stated in a hadith: سَلوا اللهَ عِلمًا نافعًا وتعَوَّذوا باللهِ مِن علمٍ لا ينفعُ “Ask Allah for beneficial knowledge and seek refuge in Him from know...